This is me!

Dear people,

Preparing to become one day a public person, a politician or an actor, I have a confession to make, well, I won’t go bald and say it, you’ll have to figure it out by yourselves.

Over the years I had many friends, I considered and still consider that I am a good friend, I will wake up at 6 am and record missed interviews at the national radio, look all over the internet for things that my friends can’t find, printing paper works for free, going with my friends wherever they want just no to feel alone, have long boring talks and not complain, giving a shoulder to cry on (even if I was the one who need a shoulder most of the time:-p), giving support, sometimes just being there for them, not judging, just being there.

I have flaws, many of us do, actually all of us do, I just have a little less than others, yes, I am that good. I can’t accept or get over betrayal, can’t forgive or forget, well, it’s not entirely true, I can make exceptions but it’s not happening very often.

Ginduri abrupte

articol insipirat pe seama unui articol a unui ex-prieten

  • 25 de ore din 24 incerc sa explic de ce se intimpla anumite lucruri, le caut intr-un fel explicatie, macar ca nu intotdeauna exista una, si totusi incerc sa le explic, le caut un rationament macar ca sunt o persoana emotionala si sentimentala, trasaturi care din pacate in mare parte aici sunt detestabile, da ma starui si eu sa traiesc cu acest blestem  
  • imi place sa cred ca sunt o persoana formidabila si extraordinara in sensul larg al cuvintului, niciodata nu am acceptat sa fiu ordinar si niciodata nu voi accepta sa ma contopesc cu multimea, ceva ma face sa cred ca merit mai mult, ceva ma face sa cred ca merit sa fiu vazut si stiut de intreaga lume, macar ca spun ca nu-mi pasa daca toti ma vor place sau nu undeva imi pasa, este iarasi un lucru cu care va trebui sa ma invat sa traiesc

This is me!

Business-minded Pragmatist  You have an outgoing personality and you enjoy working with others and getting things done.  You also think that your time is valuable and that you deserve to make a good living for the work that you do.
Because you are so skilled at motivating yourself to succeed, negotiating, making deals, and working with people, a natural career choice for you might be sales.