Dear people,
Preparing to become one day a public person, a politician or an actor, I have a confession to make, well, I won’t go bald and say it, you’ll have to figure it out by yourselves.
Over the years I had many friends, I considered and still consider that I am a good friend, I will wake up at 6 am and record missed interviews at the national radio, look all over the internet for things that my friends can’t find, printing paper works for free, going with my friends wherever they want just no to feel alone, have long boring talks and not complain, giving a shoulder to cry on (even if I was the one who need a shoulder most of the time:-p), giving support, sometimes just being there for them, not judging, just being there.
I have flaws, many of us do, actually all of us do, I just have a little less than others, yes, I am that good. I can’t accept or get over betrayal, can’t forgive or forget, well, it’s not entirely true, I can make exceptions but it’s not happening very often.
With the flaws mentioned above my friendships tended to have the length of a relationship, with many break-ups, on-again and off-again cases, as pathetic as it sounds but it’s true, I guess is one more thing that makes me different, not that I have ever intended too.
I am complaining a lot, and yet, there was some people strong enough to handle me J Over the years it became easier to handle solitude, and rely on technology, if you know how to work with technology it will never betray you, people, on the other hand, no matter how often you remind them they can rely on you, or how you care and cherish them they still will do things that can hurt you. I guess time heals wounds, not completely, we all find ways to cope with the pain caused by failures in a friendship/relationship. Being in a relationship I won’t see the differences versus friendships, because it’s basically the same, the only variable it’s the time, the length of the moments spent together. Friendship is something; a relationship is so much more.
Someone said, if you feel the pain it means you’re alive, you live, with that being said, do we need to be hurt in order to feel alive? Is the pain the only thing that proves we are humans?
I’m a difficult person, well, is partially true, but once you get used to me it will become less and less obvious.
Like Celine Dion sang in one of her song “I have such love to give give/ I want a chance to live”, to live enough to have the time to do so. The neurons in my head are firing with a bigger speed than usually needs, and the thoughts come n the most unexpected times, in most of the times there is no one to share them with, but I am managing, I am that strong.
Give the people a chance, don’t judge a book by its cover, read some pages first, random or not, spend some time thinking, give yourself a chance to have some friends, as pessimistic as I am I still believe that somewhere, out there are people who, in time, will become my best friends and will have a big mutual impact on each other. Even a pessimist has beliefs that someday everything will be different, better.
Have a nice day!...
sometimes philosophically, but it's true.
ReplyDeletea good friendship, cost you, a lot......
sometimes you can't handle it.
so be just yourself, and time will show!
thx for this report! :)
De cele mai multe ori ne plac cartile dupa coperta si chiar de multe ori ne place si continutul,in schimb cartea insasi nu poate avea o perceptie asupra ei.Evaluarea de catre ceilalti necesita rabdare si compasiune,pana cand cel ce o citeste va alege sa o puna pe raftul sau sau sa o lase altcuiva sa o cumpere din librarie.Toti oamenii au cate o coperta,e alegerea fiecaruia daca doreste sa te deschida si sa te rasfoiasca pana cand se va indragosti de tine,sau va alege sa citeasca doar introducerea si acolo se va opri.
ReplyDeleteeu cred ca omul e singura carte care se gaseste in mai multe exemplare, metaforic vorbind, daca vreai iti iai si tie un exemplar, daca nu - nu
ReplyDeletecu parere de rau, e asa cum spui tu, e alegerea fiecarui sa te citeasca sau sa se opreasca la introducere fara ca sa astepte "intriga"
Si la urma urmei nu mereu e rau faptul ca nu doreste sa te rasfoiasca. Si a citi o carte trebuie sa poti. Decit sa te citeasca, sa te rupa si sa te arunce pe un dulap prafuit, unde va uita de tine pentru toteauna, mai bine nici sa nu incerce sa o faca. Nu toti sunt demni de a cunoaste un anumit tip de carti.Nu toti pot citi o carte care, sa zic asa, e peste limita lor de potential.
ReplyDeletewow, so true, well said my dear :)
ReplyDeletenici eu nu as fi putut sa spun mai bine, e corect, decit sa ni se intilneasca in cale niste cititori ce numai o sa ne "rasfoiasca" si sa ne "rupa" mai bine sa nu-i intilnim deloc, dar, it's not up to us to decide
este o vorba tare interesanta, ca daca vrei sa-l faci pe D-zeu sa rida, spunei despre planurile tale :)
Ehh vai de el.. tre sa moara de ris (uitat ca e nemuritor)
ReplyDeleteUneori avem nevoie atit de mult de a fi rasfoiti, incit suntem multumiti si de un analfabet care doar se uita la desene.. dar in final ne provoaca mai multa durere decit daca am fi rabdat si am fi trecut peste asta.
E decizia noasta.. sa fim fericiti o clipa si sa suferim mai mult sau sa suferim mereu dar constant ))) alegem.