Earlier in the day I was thinking that I lack ideas for new blog posts, well that's not entirely true since I'm writing this one. Considering that very few things happened to me lately I have to get inspired on the little things that social networking offers me. I stumbled upon one's thought that "happiness is an attitude" and well, I wanna prove them wrong.
Happiness is an attitude only when you're predisposed to it, only when your life's circumstances allow you to be happy and by your own choice you're not.
Imagine this, you have friends who cherish you, who are trying to do their best at being your friends, 'cause let's face it, being a friend to somebody is very a tiring job, you need to really want it 'cause otherwise it's just not going to work, no matter how nice of a person he/she is you can't compel yourself to like them. So you have friends, we've established that so far. You have a loving family, or at least one that doesn't stand in your way, giving you the freedom to do whatever you want with your life..
You're a student, you are close to graduate, you are getting closer to getting a job, or you are a freelancer and found a clever way to make some money.
Here. You have family, friends and money. Now, you really are allowed to think that happiness is an attitude, as long as you don't have money, friends or money you're in every right to be depressed, sad all the time and worrying that tomorrow may never come or it may be worse than the day before.
What I have observed is that people who say things like that are just lying to themselves, not everything is OK, not everything goes according to the plan, there is always somebody screwing things up. As I heard somebody saying is that sometimes all the time I can't control what happens to me, and it make me mad, and maybe I am mad a lot, don't really know.
So, the next time you say that you are happy, take five minutes and think if that's really true, don't lie to yourself and don't you dare judging other for not lying to themselves as well, If you really really want somebody to be happy be there for them, don't just dump the "happiness" thing on them and run, that's selfish of you, I can tell because it happened to me, not being happy, keeping hatred to other people is not really what I want for me. Make things happen, good things to sad people and you'll see gratitude and appreciation in their eyes, along with happiness.
I can't say that I have never been happy, but it's too insignificant comparing to the huge amounts of misery and sadness, that it eventually made me more cautious, I am afraid to smile 'cause my experience proved me that the next moments to come may bring the total opposite feelings.
I'm not a secret masochist, I would never choose to be depressed or sad, I'd never choose what I have, I would never settle for what I have, but I guess I was robbed off of what it takes to fight for more.
O sa fiu prima care comenteaza un asemenea impresionant articol... M-ai pus pe ganduri... Asa cum in ultimul timp sunt asa de disperata, neorganizata, "dispersata", m-am regasit in unele din idei ce le-ai descris aici... Nu mai inteleg de ce unele lucruri, oameni care erau pentru mine totul si ma faceau fericita, nu reusesc sa ma faca si acum la fel de fericita... Nu inteleg de ce s-a pierdut acea utilitate a acelei fericiri, de ce s-a ofelit? :( Cine o fi de vina? Eu? ori acel "Generator" de Fericire? care nu mai genereaza fericirea ce-o caut? Idei nu am... Mi-i groaza...Mi-i groaza... Totusi fericirea nu e o atitudine...Ci o "consecinta" a primirii ceea ce iti doresti... ( m-ai inspirat, trebuie sa scriu un nou articol)...
ReplyDeleteMultumesc inca o data..pentru ideile tale geniale... mi-am deschis si eu sufletul blocat intr-un nou articol, dar o sa-l public mai tarziu... :)
ReplyDeleteimpresionant ? seriously :) ? nu arunca asa cuvinte ca o sa incep a umbla cu nasul pe sus, si posta cite zece articole pe zi crezind ca sunt de calitate :)) ca intotdeauna esti foarte dulce, e oficial, esti un exemplu despre altii ar trebui sa fie, nu numai in raport cu mine sau blogul meu, dar si in relatie cu altii, sa aprecieze mai mult ce li se ofera. Si ca sa incerc sa raspuns la una din intrebarile tale. Unii se obisnuiesc si se opresc in a se lupta pentru fericire, fie ea dragoste sau prietenie, ea trebuie mentinuta ca o floare in vazon, trebuie udata ca de uiti se usuca, intr-un fel e simplu de a scrie regulile "jocului" dar e extrem de dificil de a le urma. Eu zic ca basta cu tinerea unor persoana in viata noastra, dar ei vor vrea vor ramine fara ca noi sa le cerem, noi am spus clar si raspicat ca ii vrem, dar daca nu vor si nu se simt comfortabil in viata noastra stiu unde sa afla usa. If you love them set them free, if they come back than they're yours.
DeleteYour article was great if it was your motive to prove that wrong .but the thing is that happiness would Never come to you if you would run behind it. Its like a tail attached to a cat , if the cat will try to grab it ,it would spend her life circling round. So at last cat will have to walk straight and believe that happiness follows it intead of peaking for it every time. And offourse you said absolutely right if you have everything you will be happy nd if not you'll be depressed but thats why we have patience for. Happiness should be our attitude whether it is fake becoz hapiness attracts happiness . It wont take much time to change fake into reality.